Pumping Stations: Three Simple Guidelines for Promoting Energy Efficiency

Posted on: 3 January 2018

There are numerous factors that you should consider if you are planning on constructing a pumping station in your commercial or industrial property. One of these critical issues is the energy consumption. Modern business and industrial setups have high electrical demands. If one is not careful when incorporating new systems, the energy expenses could increase exponentially. Here are some simple guidelines to help reduce the electrical consumption in your pumping station.

Choose the Right Pump Size

You should select the pump size for your station with care if you would like to manage your energy expenses. In general, the wrong choice of pumping components increases the total electricity required for daily operations. Undersizing your pump will necessitate more power usage because the system will need to work continuously to meet the demands. You should also note that the use of a small pump can increase station strain, accelerating the rate of wear. On the other hand, larger pumps demand more electricity for starting and operating. Therefore, you should be careful not to get an oversized pump. For the best results, you should discuss your pumping station needs with your contractor before making your system purchase. 

Consider Using Multiple Pumps

You should think about purchasing and installing multiple pumps in your commercial or industrial setup for increased energy savings. In simple terms, if you have a highly demanding operation, you can minimise the total energy required by having a parallel pumping system. You will obtain ideal results by having each pump individually instead of concurrently. This practice reduces general operational strain and overheating in the pumping setup, reducing power consumption. The pumps will also wear at a slower rate. You can also run the multiple pumps simultaneously if there are special flow requirements for your application. Consequently, you can boost the level of productivity in your pumping station. 

Maintain the Station

Finally, you should maintain your pumping system correctly to ensure optimal performance and subsequent energy efficiency. When a pumping station is first built for handling water, wastewater or other fluids, it operates at a high level of efficiency as specified by the manufacturer. However, over time, the internal parts start wearing, and the pump becomes incapable of operating at the original level. As a result, there will be higher energy demands. When you perform regular maintenance, you will slow down the degradation, promoting optimal performance for longer. Also, you will discover operational issues which could be causing high energy consumption and resolve them early.
